What was Elijah Wood's first movie?

What was Elijah Wood's first movie?
Copyright by New Line Cinema and other relevant production studios and distributors. Intended for editorial use only.

Frodo and Samwise.

Go ahead, put 'em up there with some of the all-time classic film duos:

  • Harold & Maude
  • C-3PO & R2D2
  • Abbot & Costello
  • Beavis & Butt-Head

If Elijah Wood and Sean Astin aren't weirdly close in real life, I might cry.

But even Frodo himself had to start somewhere — and of course, Elijah started very young. Somehow, he doesn't get enough credit for transitioning from child star to seemingly well-adjusted adult.

What film was the first to credit the future hobbit with a role?

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